October 31, 2010

Habakkuk 1: 1-4;  2: 1-4;  Luke 19:1-10 “The Woman With the Dog” We climb up through scripture so we can see God’s presence. We climb down in prayer so we can meet God’s love We come in to sacrament so we can entertain God’s forgiveness. We come out in offering so we can give ourselves…

October 3, 2010

World Communion Sunday Scripture:  Luke 17: 5-6 Call to Worship: Today we join with Christians everywhere to celebrate World Communion Sunday We gather to affirm both the freedom of our particular congregation and its customs and the spiritual kinship that we feel with all who love the Lord Jesus Christ. How very good and pleasant…

September 26 , 2010

Scripture: Jeremiah 32: 1-2, 6-15 Sermon: “Faith in the Future” Order of Worship: Gathering Music Opening Prayer Welcome/Passing the Peace of Christ Children’s Moment (anthem?) Scripture Reading Sermon (everything after the sermon remains the same; the Lord’s Prayer will be said with the communion prayer) (No Call to Worship today)

September 19, 2010

Scripture:  Luke 16:1-13 Sermon:  “Brand Loyalty” Call to Worship: L  Sometimes the world pulls to the right; sometimes the world pulls to the left; and sometimes the world pulls in both directions at once. P Stretched too thin, captive to the forces that hold us, we yearn to break free. L Released from the rat…

September 5, 2010

Scripture:  Jeremiah 18:1-11 Sermon:  “Change” Call to Worship (by Maren C. Tirabassi & Joan Jordan Grant, based on Psalm 139): L God has searched us and known us.  God has knit us in our mother’s wombs and read the book of our lives before our days began. P We come to worship God, who understands…

August 22, 2010

Sermon: “To the Crippled, Bent-Over Woman” Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 L Come to God, all who are cripped, bent-over, and broken.  Come to God, all who are lame, deaf, or blind. P Out of an imperfect past we come, bearing emotional and physical scars. L Come to God, even if your relationships have fallen apart.  Come…