December 19, 2010
Children’s Pageant
December 12, 2010
November 28, 2010 (Advent 1)
Isaiah 2: 1-5 “There Will Be Hope”
November 21, 2010
Scripture: Genesis 32: 22-28, 29b (verse 28-29b should read: “Then the man said, ‘You shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel, for you have striven with God and with humans, and have prevailed.’ And there he blessed him.”) Sermon: “Blessings” (guest preacher: Bill Thomas)
November 14, 2010
Scripture: Luke 21:5-19 Sermon: “The End?” Today’s great good news is this: God promises a new heaven and a new earth, where distress is absent and the sound of weeping is a thing of the past. This is the promise of a new and joyful future where people live long and productive lives – free…
November 7, 2010
All Saints’ Sunday Scripture: Luke 20:27-38 Sermon: “God of the Living” Leader: When the tomb looms large before our eyes, remind us, Lord, who we are: People: We are children of the resurrection; the place of death will not hold us. Leader: We are the painters of the rainbows; the shadow of death will not…
October 31, 2010
Habakkuk 1: 1-4; 2: 1-4; Luke 19:1-10 “The Woman With the Dog” We climb up through scripture so we can see God’s presence. We climb down in prayer so we can meet God’s love We come in to sacrament so we can entertain God’s forgiveness. We come out in offering so we can give ourselves…
October 24, 2010
Scripture: Joel 2:23-32 Sermon: “A Vision of Wholeness and Reconciliation”
October 17 , 2010
Luke 18:1-8 “Faith and Perseverance” Let us worship God, who writes a new covenant on our hearts Let us pray to God, who listens to our cries for justice. Let us search the scriptures with excitement and find meaning for our lives. Let us rejoice that we know God and we are God’s people.
October 10, 2010
Luke 17:11-19 “Wholeness and Gratitude”