A Movement for Wholeness

“Movement for Wholeness” takes a look at the beliefs and practices of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) as told through its members.

Bixby Knolls Church - Ministries - Homepage


We offer a number of ministries designed to help you and your loved ones connect with God and your community. Our ministries include Men’s Group, Women’s Group, Youth Ministries, and Bible Study.

New Here?

We are in covenant with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). We are an Open and Affirming congregation, WE WELCOME ALL to the Lord’s Table, as God has welcomed us.

Bixby Knolls Church - About - Homepage


In an effort to bring wholeness to our community both here locally and beyond we work with and support many churches and organizations. Please learn more about Bixby Knolls today!


While all are welcome,  we are requiring masks and social distancing when in attendance. Many will be pleased to attend in person while others may still feel the need to stay home. Thank you for your continued covenant to one another! Of course if you choose to stay home you can join us on our live stream worship 10:15 Sunday Mornings on YouTube @ Bixby Knolls Christian Church. (Feel free to subscribe while you are there)

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Worship Times & Directions

Bixby Knolls Christian Church has two worship services…