BKCC Groups & Ministries

Bible Study

Sundays, 9:00am Room 115, CURRENTLY ON BREAK

Wednesday Night Supper  ON BREAK FOR THE SUMMER

Wednesday Night Dinner provides an opportunity for informal conversations on various questions of faith and spirituality. Anyone from the community is invited to join us. Dinner is served every Wednesday 6:00 pm in room 115 except during the summer months and some holidays; check our facebook page for the latest updates.

Women's and Men's Groups
  • Mary Group meets the first Thursday of each month at 9:30 am. ON BREAK
  • Ruth Group meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm ON BREAK
  • Men meet the Third Saturday of each month at 8:00 am for breakfast & fellowship
  • Cooking for Christian Outreach in Action 2nd Thursday of each month at 10:00 am DUE TO COVID WE ARE NOT COOKING – HOWEVER WE ARE FINANCIALLY SUPPORTING COiA IN PLACE OF THE MEALS WE NORMALLY OFFER
Children and Youth
  • Children’s Worship & Wonder is a special program for children. Children are excused to this program during the 10:15 worship service.
  • Boy Scout Troop 29 is chartered to Bixby Knolls Christian church, and meets Monday evenings at 7:00. Boys must be 11 years old to join.
  • VBS (Vacation Bible School) Every summer, kids in kindergarten – 6th grade are invited for fun, adventure, games, and more. CHECK OUR EVENTS PAGE FOR INFO REGARDING THIS YEARS VBS.
  • Youth Chi Rho(middle school) CYF(high school) participate in local activities and various camps, conferences and retreats connected to our Disciples of Christ region. WE WILL BE HAVING A SPECIAL DAY PROGRAM JULY 17TH
  • Please check our facebook page or contact us for specific dates.