April 10, 2016

“A New Beginning” (John 21: 1-17) Gathering Music: 1. The Sun Is On the Sea and Shore (CH 3) 2. Jesus Shall Reign Where’er the Sun (CH 95) 3. Day and Night (CP 5) Invitation Song: Jesus Calls Us O’er the Tumult (CH 337) Communion Song: Let Us Break Bread Together (CH 425) worship leader:…

April 3, 2016

“Seeing and Believing” (John 20: 19-29) Worship Leader: Ioane Faletoese Stewardship Elder: Lisa Tunstall Communion Elder: Hazel Torres Diaconate: Gretchen, David, TJ Gathering Music: Every Morning is Easter Morning (sheet) He is Lord (CH 117) Crown Him With Many Crowns (CH 234) Invitation Song: Pass It On (CH 477) Communion Song: Table of Love (CP…

March 27, 2016 – Easter

“Love’s Power” (Luke 24: 1-12) Worship Leader: Lillian Hester Stewardship Elder: Betsy Hillig Communion Elder: Leo Dittemore Diaconate: Ken, Sumbal, Michael, Virginia Gathering Music: Christ Arose (CH 224) Christ the Lord is Risen Today (CH 216) Now the Green Blade Rises (CH 230) Invitation Song: Here I Am Lord (CH 452) Communion Song: Christ is…

March 20, 2016 – Palm Sunday

“At the Center” (Luke 22: 39-46) Worship Leader: Michael Cole Stewardship Elder: Ioane Faletoese Communion Elder: Gretchen Rugh Diaconate: Leo, Ginger, James Gathering Music: “Come, Now is the Time to Worship” (CP 2) “Desert Song” (sheet) “Blessed Be Your Name” (sheet) Invitation Song: Change My Heart O God (CP 86) Communion Song: Here is Bread…

March 13, 2016

“No Fear” (Philippians 3:4b-14) Worship leader: Ginger Bradfield Children’s Moment: Pastor Danny Stewardship Elder: Angela Hillig Communion Elder: Ken Kobel Diaconate: Marlene, Ioane, Samantha Gathering Music: Fear Not No Not One (Chalice Hymnal 544) Be Still My Soul (Chalice Hymnal 566) Invitation Song: My Hope Is Built (Chalice Hymnal 537) Communion Song: When You Do…

March 6, 2016

“Unsettled” (Psalm 32) Worship leader: Margo Morales Children’s Moment: Betsy Hillig Stewardship Elder: Hazel Torres Communion Elder: Lisa Tunstall Diaconate: Gretchen, David, TJ Gathering Music: And All the People Said Amen Remind Me Who I Am Good Good Father Invitation Song: Breathe On Me (Chalice Praise 94) Communion Song: Here In Your Presence

February 28, 2016

“Looking for Sin in All the Wrong Places” (Luke 13: 1-5) Worship Leader: Lisa Tunstall Stewardship Elder: Leo Dittemore Communion Elder: Betsy Hillig Diaconate: Ken, Sumbal, Michael, Virginia Anthem: “Keep Your Lamps Trimmed and Burnin’ ” All songs from Chalice Hymnal: 592 Every Time I Feel the Spirit 530 I’ve Got Peace Like a River…

January 31, 2016

“Growing in Grace” (Luke 4: 21-30) Worship Leader: Michael Cole Children’s Moment: Scheri Dubon Stewardship Elder: Marlene Kobel Communion Elder: Bobbie Smith Diaconate: Gretchen Ruth, David Rugh, TJ Hillig Gathering Music: Lead On O King Eternal (CH 632) One Spirit of Love (CP 151) Invitation Song: I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry (CH…

January 24, 2016

“Growing in Grace” (Luke 4: 21-30) Worship Leader: Michael Cole Children’s Moment: Scheri Dubon Stewardship Elder: Marlene Kobel Communion Elder: Bobbie Smith Diaconate: Gretchen Ruth, David Rugh, TJ Hillig Gathering Music: Lead On O King Eternal (CH 632) One Spirit of Love (CP 151) Invitation Song: I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry (CH…