September 1, 2013

Scripture:  Luke 14:1, 7-14 Sermon:  “An Frightening Feast” Love is not for the easily frightened. Gathering Music: “How Majestic Is Your Name” CH 63 “Holy, Holy, Holy (Santo, Santo, Santo)” CH 111 “He Is Lord” CH 117 “Humble Thyself” CP 72 Invitation Song: “All Are Welcome” CP 159 Communion Song: “I’m Gonna Eat at the…

August 25, 2013

Scripture:  Jeremiah 4:1-10 Sermon:  “Selling Ourselves Short” Feeling less-than-qualified? Join the club! Gathering Music: “Love is Here” “Amazing Grace” (to tune of “I’m Yours” by Jason Mraz) “Mighty to Save” Invitation Song: “You are My All in All” CP 78 Communion Song: “We Remember You” CP 169 Worship leader:  Ken Kobel Stewardship Elder: Angela Hillig…

August 18, 2013

Scripture:  1 Chronicles 28:20-21 Sermon:  “Until All the Work is Finished” David encourages Solomon to be strong and courageous in the building of God’s Temple. Gathering Music: “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty” CH 25 “All Creatures of Our God and King” CH 22 “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee” CH 2 Invitation Song: “Spirit Song”…