Scripture: 1 Chronicles 28:20-21
Sermon: “Until All the Work is Finished”
David encourages Solomon to be strong and courageous in the building of God’s Temple.
Gathering Music:
“Praise to the Lord, the Almighty” CH 25
“All Creatures of Our God and King” CH 22
“Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee” CH 2
Invitation Song:
“Spirit Song” CH 352
Communion Song:
“Here is Bread” CP 161
Worship Leader: Chuck Fowler
Stewardship Elder: Ken Kobel
Communion Elder: Sandy Jeglum
Diaconate: Chuck Fowler, Pat Cohen, Sumbal Sardar, Ginger Bradfield, Jim Hardeman
Counting Deacon: Ginger Bradfield
Counting Elder: Ken Kobel