Scripture: Luke 14:1, 7-14
Sermon: “An Frightening Feast”
Love is not for the easily frightened.
Gathering Music:
“How Majestic Is Your Name” CH 63
“Holy, Holy, Holy (Santo, Santo, Santo)” CH 111
“He Is Lord” CH 117
“Humble Thyself” CP 72
Invitation Song:
“All Are Welcome” CP 159
Communion Song:
“I’m Gonna Eat at the Welcome Table” CH 424
Worship Leader: Jim Hardeman
Stewardship Elder: Leo Dittemore
Communion Elder: Lillian Hester
Diaconate: Gretchen Rugh, Jim Hardeman, David Rugh
Counting Elder: Leo Dittemore
Counting Deacon: Gretchen Rugh