
Scripture:  Jeremiah 18:1-11
Sermon:  “Change”

Call to Worship (by Maren C. Tirabassi & Joan Jordan Grant, based on Psalm 139):

L God has searched us and known us.  God has knit us in our mother’s wombs and read the book of our lives before our days began.
P We come to worship God, who understands us completely.
L God seeks us when we flee — whether we take the wings of the morning or make our bed in the earth, God’s hands hold us tenderly.
P We come to worship God, who cares for us completely.
L God’s thoughts are more than the sand of the sea, yet God knows every word that falters on our tongues and every stumbling path we wander.
P We come to worship God, who loves us until we find ourselves at home.

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