Scripture: Ephesians 4:1-6
Sermon: “We Are One”

Call to Worship:

L: 2,000 years ago, a man named Jesus was sent by God to remind the world that we are one people, children of God, and to reconcile us to God and one another. This good news spread around the world, across the centuries. Nearly two millenia later, Thomas Campbell crafted words that expressed this good news in a way that would give birth to a new movement for wholeness:

P: The Church of Christ on Earth is essentially, intentionally, and constitutionally ONE.

The leaders of this movement would forge friendships with others who were devoted to the notion that God’s people are one because God made them that way, and that God’s people learn how to become the people God intends them to be by loving God and one another.

P: We are one in Christ Jesus, with one Lord, one faith, and one baptism.

L: This movement of unity with God and one another would spread like a prairie fire. It would reach beyond typical boundaries of race and creed. This passion for God-given wholeness would find a home in the hearts of slave and free, male and female, child and parent. Today, immigrant communities join in ministry with all Disciples, all celebrating the good news:

P: Creation is good because God made it that way; we are one, because God made us that way.

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