First Song: Go Tell It on the Mountain (167)
Second Song: Angels We Have Heard on High (155)
First Reading: Isaiah 63:7-9
Third Song: What Child Is This (162)
Second Reading: Matthew 2: 13-23

Community Sharing: “Recounting the Gracious Deeds of the Lord” (Those present are invited to share where they’ve seen God during this Christmas season.)


Stewardship Invitation (offerings to be placed in basket when coming forward for communion)
Invitation to Communion & Words of Institution
Communion Prayer & Lord’s Prayer
Communion by Intinction – people come forward, place offering in basket, and partake.  OR, if we are sitting around tables, we can have a basket on each table for offering, and it can be passed around, and each table can also have a piece of bread  & a chalice of juice for communion…

Closing Song: How Great Our Joy (170)
Announcements & Benediction

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